Yoga has become a HUGE part of my life. Between the crazy life stresses and competitiveness of the acting industry it allows me to slow down and focus even when I feel rubbish I jump on the mat and know I will feel better after a wiggle and a flow!
How would you describe your style of Yoga?Fun, fast, flowing… all the F’s? It is also energetic, challenging and just requires you to be in your body!
What is your favourite Yoga pose and why?Depends on the day and the time of day! I love a headstand as it requires focus, strength and belief you won’t break anything! But I also love a twist … seated twists are my favourite.
An interesting/quirky fact about yourself and your experience?I fell out of a peacock pose 2 years ago and haven’t tried it since… google it if you don’t know the pose!!
A quote that means something to you?"No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up" - (You don’t have to dress up to do yoga!!) But I love this quote as I doesn’t just apply to yoga it applies to everyday life too.. & what we learn on the mat we take into our lives :)