Motivation for 2022 and Ahead

written by Lou Hedderly

Photo of the author

The festive season has passed and we find ourselves in a New Year looking for a fresh start, a time to start new habits and set resolutions - it is also a great opportunity to change your mindset, set intentions and manifest for how you would like your 2022 to be.

1) Listen to your body and mind

January isn’t about punishing yourself from your activities in December - a New Year can be seen as the opportunity to tune into how you are feeling and what is and isn’t working for you.

Our bodies (and mindset) adapts, changes, develops and morphs each year. Giving us the opportunity to recognise if something that may have felt great and worked for us a few years ago, doesn’t feel the best now. Use this time to try something new, see what works for your body and mind, paying attention to the feedback you receive, you never know - you might find a new passion that you were not expecting.

2) Take time

What is it that you are looking for and wanting for the year ahead and further? Writing down your thoughts and Journaling can aid with untangling your mind and create focus. There are a number of benefits of keeping a journal and to keep you on track, a journal; allows you to self reflect, set and achieve goals, keep your thoughts organised and so much more.

Take the time to set up a comfortable, relaxing space - find your seat and some deep cleansing breaths. Close your eyes and ask yourself the question for what you are looking for - long or short term, or free write what comes to mind.

3) Intention setting

Reflect and identify what you appreciate and brings you joy, this also does include rest to recharge. Set an intention for what you are looking for and wanting from the day.

Intentions are related to setting goals and determine the purpose and attitude to do something to achieve your desired results. Intentions are a powerful tool that helps you to understand your thoughts and feelings in a clearer way, this can change from day to day or can be a longer term intention.

4) Nourishment

For the body, mind and soul - there are a number of ways that you can bring harmony to your life.

"When your body, mind, and soul are healthy and harmonious, you will bring health and harmony to the world – not by withdrawing from the world, but by being a healthy, living organ of the body of humanity." B.K.S. Iyengar

From self-care, sleeping well, healthy diet and reducing stress to your everyday life - it is important that you focus on these areas and aid in looking after yourself and importantly bringing joy to your life and this doesn’t mean high intensity every-time, reading a book, going for a walk and taking 10 minutes out to meditate all contribute and are nourishment.

5) Be kind to yourself

Before reading on:

Take a moment and name the top five items/things/people that you love….

Where did you appear on the list? Did you even include yourself? The words we speak to ourselves are some of the harshest words we speak - if we heard someone saying the exact same words to another person, we would put a stop to it.

Be kind and gentle with yourself - changing your mindset starts with yourself and changing the words and tone you speak to yourself can have a drastic effect on how you see yourself and the outlook for your day ahead.

Photo of the author

Written by Lou Hedderly and published on Monday 3rd January 2022 at 15:47

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