Free Your Fascia

written by Deborah Wilks

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Have you ever wondered why no amount of stretching your muscles would change your flexibility or range of movement?

The answer lies in the fascia…

So what is it? The fascia is a sticky and fluid network of fabric that wraps around our muscles to hold us together and is constantly adapting to all of our movements.

Over time, injuries and general wear and tear can cause this fabric to become thick and inflexible, resulting in restrictions and pain within this tissue. The results are little knots and tensions within our fascia and muscles which need to be released in order to return our body to its natural flexible state.

It has been proven that as little as 5 minutes of fascia releasing yoga a day can greatly improve stiffness, ease pain, and lead to greater flexibility. While most forms of yoga are a great way to release this inner tissue, we also have a highly-specialised class on our timetable that focuses just on this - Moving Stretch.

This class acts as the perfect complement to your Yoga practice!

During a Moving Stretch class you will work your fascia to free your body from stiffness and pain, delivering breathtaking improvements to your flexibility and posture.

While attending a weekly class is a great way to release your fascia, it is also important to remember to be aware of this connective tissue in your daily life. Fascial tension can result from high levels of stress, poor sleep and bad posture. You can imagine the impact on our fascia network after a long day at a desk based job!

This is why you should remember to try to take little breaks throughout the day to stretch those areas of your body that feel stiffest. Try to straighten your upper body whenever you feel like you are slouching – even such a little improvement in posture can help your fascial system to stay in constant flow and prevent blockages.

If you would be interested in finding out more about the fascinating benefits of fascia release and Moving Stretch classes, or even one-to-one sessions tailored to your body, you are very welcome to contact our specialist, Deb Wilks via email

You can also leave a comment below with any questions and Debs will be delighted to answer them.

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Written by Deborah Wilks and published on Wednesday 1st September 2021 at 09:00

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