“What do you mean you can’t put your socks on without sitting down?!" I asked a bunch of my male friends - "Why? When did this happen?"
And so the seed for Stiff Guy Yoga was planted on 5th January 2018. I expected only a few blokes to turn up, as it’s scary attending your first yoga class, right? Am I joining a cult, a religion, hippiedom or worse... do I have to give up meat? But in they came, and within weeks there was a waiting list. The results were breathtaking.
The guys had total focus, giving it 100% and within six weeks, the first student touched his toes. The guys were now hooked on yoga, keen to progress and learn more. As well as gaining flexibility, strength and tone, many were losing significant amounts of weight. Shoulders were back, heads were high and their eyes were bright. They looked well and I noticed they were looking younger.
Each week we focused on a different part of the body: the problem areas for Stiff Guys- backs, hamstrings, hips, core and shoulders. Mixing things up and keeping it interesting. My intention was that classes should be physical but thoughtful, challenging and fun. And that they would sweat, banishing the misconception that yoga wasn't an active workout.
Men have cottoned on to the fact that strength without flexibility is weakness. Even Her Majesty’s Army have embraced yoga. And it’s not just middle-aged men who are struggling. Young men who have built muscle in the gym or whilst doing sport are finding that their mobility has significantly decreased, and have turned to yoga to unlock their body’s potential.
The world of yoga can be confusing, though. So many different types. Classes online or in a studio or gym. And social media is awash with teachers in seemingly impossible positions, perched precariously in front of a sunset or bowl of fruit. It can be really off putting, and it’s often misleading. And it’s why I’ve written this guide to yoga for men. That’s why you’ll only occasionally see pictures of me on social media because it’s not about me, it’s about you, it’s about Stiff Guy Yoga.
As a direct result of the Stiffs (yes, there's a name for you) spreading the word and not wanting to be left out, the ladies demanded Stiff Girl (but that’s another story).
My book, including guidance on poses, is available to purchase on our website - Stiff Guy Yoga: Regain Your Twenty Something Self in 30 Days

Written by Nikki Lynds-Xavier and published on Monday 19th April 2021 at 08:30
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