Many words spring to mind when I think of the word “Wellbeing”, lifestyle, healthy human, tranquil perhaps, or is that just scratching the surface? Over the last twenty plus years of teaching and partaking in various disciplines of fitness and holistic based programmes, I have come to recognise that the word “wellbeing” to me, is more in keeping with the word “Harmony”.
The mind, the body and the spirit, all operating in perfect unison. A thought provoking statement! So if we could look after ourselves and create this harmonic state, would this truly be the meaning of the word “Wellbeing”?
Broken down into simple turns, to eat nutrient rich foods, drink sufficient water, take care of our bodies with ample exercise and stretching, and to keep our minds in a safe, calm and intellectually challenged pattern, is in my opinion the beginning of a life long commitment towards “Wellbeing”.
Mind over matter -
Learning to live a life of mindfulness and balance, whilst trying to avoid stressful situations can be a big ask in the modern world, there are many requirements that need to be present in order to maintain this equilibrium. For me, a simpler life has most certainly had its benefits. Chasing the ego has long dissipated, living a happy and healthy life is more important than ever and not having the need for unnecessary possessions. These are my aspirations!
My minds wellbeing is kept in check by the simpler things. Spending time with family, reading, meditation, my veggie patch, walking in woodland, feeling the wind on my skin, and paddling in the ocean. These things allow me to be at my happiest and most importantly, occupied. There is a Japanese word “Ikigai” translating to - “Happiness of always being busy”. Keeping busy or occupied can mean many things, for me even meditating is being occupied - occupied in the present moment...
Moving from the mind into body -
Leading a healthy life can be equally as challenging, encompassing diet, exercise and recovery. Living in a cosmopolitan environment, we are exposed to many different cultures and cuisines and with that brings food choices. From fast foods to homegrown, the contents in between is incredibly vast. I am a vegetarian, therefore my choice is reasonably easy, albeit there are still some bad choices to be made. Refined sugar and fats are my nemeses. I prefer a colour and texture rich diet, however, it is so easy to pick up a prepared meal or reach for a sugary snack, so being on top of your diet is key. When I have consumed bread and too much sugar, fat or alcohol, my body goes into shock and creates all sorts of havoc with my stomach, digestion and even my sleep. Keeping the bodies homeostatic system in check is also a part of wellbeing.
Finding a ritual that suits my exercise needs and ensuring I stay consistent. Yoga is an easy goto for me, I practice most days, whether it be the physical level or meditation it definitely helps to remain balanced.
Lastly, allowing my mind and body to have enough recovery, retiring to bed before 10pm and waking early enough to watch the sun rise. Simple and effective things that bring harmony and balance into my life.
These are just some of my thoughts and rituals and perhaps some of these things might resonate with you? If you truly want to live a more balanced life, leading to a better sense of wellbeing, then maybe sit down and have a think about where you are currently and what you’d would like to achieve. Then start your journey by going outside, breathing in the air, feeling the wind on your face and taking the time to notice the earth beneath your feet - enjoy the moment!

Written by Lu Mays and published on Friday 27th November 2020 at 10:15
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