I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a lovely year of sweaty Ashtanga, upside-down Power yoga and that cosy Hatha class I use to lure you into a false sense of security, before making you hold triangle for 7 minutes! It has been my pleasure to lead these classes at New Energy Yoga and to spend time with old friends and new both on the mat and quite honestly, in the pub too!
Last year I sadly had to reduce my schedule saying goodbye to my regular Monday evening Power class, this gave me more time to develop my personal practice and increase my teacher training hours. With this in mind, I am returning this year with a regular class again, this time a well rounded Hatha class. Accessible to everyone, with options to dial the energy all the way up or take it nice and easy. My Hatha practice is rooted in ancient traditions as taught by my original teachers, using my recent trainings to modernise postures and adding my usual, um, “flair”. This class is on Fridays at 7:20pm and I’m hoping you’ll join me regularly as a wholesome way to spend Friday evenings.
The new decade will mark a few milestones. It has been five years since my Yin yoga training and “Down the Rabbit Hole” heads into its third year of running monthly at our lovely studio. For those of you who have been coming regularly, without this sounding like the queens speech; I am so grateful that you love it as much as I do! I have some great things coming to keep the practice fresh for another year. Please feel free to feedback anything at all that you feel could improve the Rabbit Hole. A big thank you for spreading the word for me, for bringing your friends along and for coming along each time with an open mind and a sleepy head!
If you are thinking of attending “Down the Rabbit Hole” for the first time and you’d like a bit more information, please ask me if you see me floating around the studio or send messages to me or via New Energy and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
It’s become obvious that this class lends itself perfectly to the autumn and winter months. The candlelight meditation, heated room, use of blankets and props etc require a darkened room to be effective. In light of this, (excuse the pun) Sally and I have decided not to run Rabbit Hole durning the summer months. If you’re not on holiday, please look out for my new workshops that I have planned to tide us over. Sequencing these has been brilliant fun- I’m excited to share with you.
Lastly, 2020 will be peppered with clinic style workshops where I will lead small groups of us through certain key poses or Asanas. Something I’ve wanted to do for a year or two after attending similar in London, and thinking what a brilliant idea!
This is your chance to learn about the anatomy of poses, why we do them and to really get to the bottom of exactly how. We will spend the entire class breaking down just one pose each time and I’ll do my level best to find the most accessible version for each for you individually. With new found knowledge I hope that you would have the confidence to try a variety of classes on the timetable, or quite frankly just nail the Asana postures that you struggle with!
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading; I had to vent my enthusiasm somewhere. I wish you all the best start for the new year and new decade. Set your intentions, have as much fun as possible and join me for the first week of January- detox classes all round!
Happy New Year! Jamie John x

Written by Jamie John and published on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 12:58
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