Yoga is respite. It is a powerful tool to find peace and acceptance within and of yourself; to polish the rough edges of your being and allow a lighter, brighter existence in an often challenging and sometimes capricious world. It helps explain and bring meaning to what it is to be a human being and live a meaningful life.
How would you describe your style of Yoga?The physical poses of Ashtanga yoga comprise a set sequence of postures, which demand stamina and effort at the level of the mind and the body. The poses are sewn together by the Vinyasa, which means synchronisation of movement with breath. Over time the practitioner becomes strong and flexible both in mind and body.
What is your favourite Yoga pose and why?Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand) because it reminds me every time I practice it how the yoga enables me to surpass myself with effort and patience (in my case the worst of both worlds: weak and tight shoulders!)
An interesting/quirky fact about yourself and your experience?I love cats and chocolate!
A quote that means something to you?“Yoga is for life. A better life."