Saturday 3rd August 2:30pm - 5pm

Ashtanga Primary Series

with Zoe Porter

Join Zoe for a deep dive into the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga with a focus on using the series for strength building.

Our journey will begin with the pre practice practices! Kapalabhati and Uddiyana Kriya to wake up the core and energise us for the practice ahead. Then in Surya Namaskar you will be shown new variations of how to utilise this stage of the practice to mindfully and actively build strength.

Moving onto the standing poses we will break down alignment and how to use these poses effectively as preparation for the rest of the series.

Throughout the seated asana we will focus not just on the poses but put greater emphasis on effective technique for performing Vinyasas - that will ensure you build the strength to pick up and jump back and stop wasting time with ineffective methodology.

You can expect to learn how to work with and overcome the gatekeeper poses like Marichyasana and Supta Kurmasana, as well learning core strength and headstand drills and technique, that will without doubt allow you to press into headstand if practiced diligently.

Time allowing our practice will end with Visamavritti - an effective Pranayama that can easily be applied by anyone in daily life for calming anxiety and aiding sleep.

This workshop is not suitable for beginners or during pregnancy.

Special Offer: The first 6 people to book before 13th July are eligible for an early-bird price of £35 (instead of £45).

Photo of the workshop teacher, Zoe Porter

Meet Zoe

Like most things, Zoe discovered yoga by total chance in 2009 and fell in love with it. She decided the best way to immerse herself was to become a teacher to continually school herself and others in the path of Ashtanga Yoga. Zoe trained with the renowned Brian Cooper and continues to consider herself a student of Yoga first and foremost.

Ashtanga with Zoe is a wonderfully dynamic practice! Taught in classic sequence encompassing: physical Asana practice with Bandhas, philosophy, chanting and breath work. Zoe is a free spirit with a love for body art and spiritualism. Join her on the mat for a heady, vigorous Yoga practice coupled with soft, beautiful chanting and feel the magic flood the mind during relaxation afterwards.