Saturday 27th July 2pm - 4pm

Working Towards Padmasana: the Lotus

with Rachel Lovegrove

This inclusive workshop looks at approaches and methods to build your flexibility and progress towards the auspicious pose of the lotus, or Padmasana.

We will work with safe and proven methods to enhance both the movement and strength in your hips, learn how to mobilise the joints without strain and look at some fun and helpful alternatives for those for who this pose seems so unreachable.

This is not just for the flexible! It's a workshop for all levels and abilities but those who can reach this pose easily, will also gain insights into how to improve and advance their practice.

There will be time for some Q and A and playful practice of some of the more advance applications of padmasana in poses like Sirsasana (headstand) and arm balances (Tolasana).

This workshop is not suitable during pregnancy.

Photo of the workshop teacher, Rachel Lovegrove

Meet Rachel

What does Yoga mean to you?

Yoga is my philosophy, my way of looking at the world and making sense of it as well as of myself. It’s my medicine, my friend for all seasons, my refuge and my strength.

How would you describe your style of Yoga?

I teach yoga in the tradition of BKS Iyengar. It uses the intelligence of the mind and body to create pathways through the practice of asana (yoga poses) and pranayama (breathing techniques) to better health for body and mind. It’s a fascinating and absorbing way to practice Hatha Yoga with attention to detail, alignment, sequencing and adaptation for people of all ages and abilities.

What is your favourite Yoga pose and why?

Sirsasana or Head Balance. I’ve practiced that pose since a child. When I turn upside down on my head, the world goes quiet and I feel completely at peace!

An interesting/quirky fact about yourself and your experience?

I was brought up in Winchester and my first Iyengar yoga teacher was Julie Smith who taught locally. I worked for EMI Records as a promoter but qualified as an Iyengar teacher in 2000. I left my job in 2005 and went to live and teach in Portugal. While there I also travelled to India and the USA to study directly with BKS Iyengar and other senior Iyengar teachers. I’ve recently relocated back to my home town to be near my mum who at 86 still does her daily yoga practice!

A quote that means something to you?

"Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be.” - BKS Iyengar